March 21, 2009, 2:35 am
Filed under: Hype, Music, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , ,


chaise marcel

Living in a city that is currently working itself into the position of national spotlight is great. With Barack Obama in office and a new Trump Tower, the US definitely has its nose pressed against the glass surrounding Chicago. And with that comes lot of great attention on the cultural happenings in Chicago, especially the music scene. With artists like The Cool Kids, Hollywood Holt and Kidz in the Hall starting to gain mainstream notoriety, the New School Hip-Hop scene in the city has been boosted.  One of the young, talented artists that has gotten some much due attention from this is DJ/Producer Chaise Marcel, who has been an acquaintance of mine for about a year now. He is featured on the new DJ Benzi mixtape “DJ Benzi Presents: The US Open Amplitude Mixtape Hosted by Lil Jon” that you can download below. Chaise took some time out of his schedule to talk to DMPE about his recent success. 

Read the interview after the jump

And click HERE to download the new DJ Benzi mixtape, “DJ Benzi presents: The US Open Amplitude Mixtape Hosted by Lil Jon” featuring Chaise Marcel

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